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Showing posts from June 19, 2015

As long as Daddy is here

I am proud to be your Son As long as Daddy is here everything will be fine…These were the words I kept on telling myself when the tragedy of Judah’s death struck us. I knew that something inside of me had changed forever even if I did not know what that meant at the time, but I knew that I was not going to be able to face this on my own… However, I manned up and did what had to be done. That evening (when things came tumbling down) I phoned my Daddy. I will never forget what he said. He said, “My boy, I am so sorry, Daddy knows this is a tough thing to face… Daddy is here for you. We are on our way”. At that very moment I knew I would be OK. I phoned Daddy again at 03:00 in the morning when my heart felt like it had shrivelled up and died, when the pain was so overwhelming that it was all I could see and feel. Again Daddy woke up answered the phone and said, “Hello boy”. All I could do was cry. Daddy listened and then very lovingly and full of compassion responded, “the Lord