Saturday 14 September 2024

An open letter to my Daughter

Jathni-el, (my gift from God) 

I am counting the hours now until you embark on this incredible journey…  
Ek wou nog altyd ‘n dogter gehad het. My eie stukkie perfeksie. The plan was that I would hold you close, protect you from every evil and have you with me all the time… maar dit werk mos nie so nie.  
As a parent all I could do was to devote my life to preparing you for independence, teaching you to make your own decisions… To put your faith in God and pursue your passion. This I tried to do to the best of my abilities.  
NOW, when the moment arrives to release you and let you venture beyond my comfort zone, it feels as though I must set up a blockade to hold you forever in my arms. Smaak en kan n time-out call… SĂȘ, 'tyd staan stil ek wil nie my Princess laat gaan nie…' But the truth is, all I can do is hold you in my heart and place you in God's loving arms.
Daddy's Princess, as you pursue your missionary calling, I pray you discover a deeper level of joy in serving God. That joy sustains you when life and ministry gets tough. I pray that Father will bless and sustain you every step of the way.
Always remember that I have your back; I am on my knees praying for you. I loved you from the moment we prayed and asked God to gift us with a baby girl and I will love you forever.  
We have done what we could to prepare you. You got this! YOU ARE MORE THAN READY TO ACHIEVE WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES AND GOD PUROSED YOU FOR… it’s all up to you and God. Embrace this journey with faith and courage knowing that your Daddy is here when you need him.  
As you step into this new chapter, I want you to carry with you the lessons of love and faith that we have shared. Life will present challenges, but remember that your strength comes from your relationship with God. He is always with you, guiding you through every twist and turn. Jy kan altyd op die Here staat maak.  
Your mission is not just about spreading the word; it’s about embodying the love of Christ. In every act of kindness, in every moment of service, you reflect the heart of God. This is the essence of your calling.
Know that my love for you is unwavering. It is not contingent upon your successes or failures. You are my daughter, and that bond is forever. As you navigate this journey, I will be here, cheering you on and lifting you up in prayer.
You are stepping into a world that needs your light. Shine brightly, my dear, and trust that you are equipped with everything you need to make a difference.
With all my love, love you always

Wiltim Pedro

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