Monday, 4 May 2015

The Broken Lollipop

Trying to be a brave Daddy, I sucked up the pain and mustered up the courage and faced the day that was before us. I promised myself that nothing this terrible will never happen on my watch again. I will do whatever necessary to protect my kids and my wife. 

It went reasonably well... I had some sense of peace knowing that I did well today. My family is safe. Until... we came to the end of the day. Running the last errant  of the day, making sure to pick up my daughters homework before she has to return to school. Our second born in the car with us suddenly says, "Mommy! You know that day when my brother went to heaven was the saddest day in my life. I did not want to let him go. I miss him so much." There was dead quiet in the car when suddenly he said (looking at his lollipop), "you know when my lollipop is crushed and it breaks, that is how my heart is broken."

My question to myself is, "how do I help my precious boy  put his lollipop back together again?"

The lollipop is broken, all we can do is try and remember its sweetness.In all I did that day... with all the things I tried to do to protect my children that day and today... I cannot put their hearts together again...

How will I ever make sense of this?

6 April 2015 

My worst nightmare does not compare to the pain and anguish I experienced that day. 

The day started pretty amazing, actually. I woke up after a fantastic weekend feeling very excited and happy about life. I have a really nice life... I am pursuing my calling and living my dream... God had blessed me with a beautiful wife and three amazing kids. "We don't have a lot of material things but we have everything that is necessary to live a happy life, my kids are happy and are learning about their faith and how to appreciate the things that really matters," I remember thinking. 

How could a day that started so right... so full of hope... leave me feeling so empty and void, betrayed and utterly devastated, so utterly conflicted? How will I ever make sense of this?

So I decided write this blog in an attempt to try and make sense of what's going on. 

So here goes...
On the 6 April my son drowned in our pool at home... Yoh! that was hard to write. Everything inside of me is screaming, Don't say that!!!! Don't admit to the world that your 15 month old son died. That under your watch your precious little boy died... You see here is the thing... It is my responsibility to protect and care for my wife and kids... and by writing this I have to admit to my self that I am somehow to blame for the greatest pain that my wife and kids would ever experience in their lives... If only I had been more diligent. If only I was a better person... If only I was more perceptive... If only I...  I should have made sure the gate to the pool was locked and secure.  

Everyone tells me, "Don't blame yourself" "its not your fault" "God is Sovereign and knows your pain" "God alone knows and God will bring you healing". "Don't blame yourself of God" "These things happen... it was just and accident". 

But you see I can not live with the idea that no one is to blame. It is either my fault or Gods fault and 

My boy was just too perfect... too wonderful... too full of life for me to think that his death was just an accident, something that happens because BAD things happen. 

If anyone is out there to help me understand and make sense of it all, please share your thoughts with me

Wiltim Pedro

A Reminder: Grief Will Always Be Part of Me

I’ve been thinking a lot lately — and honestly, writing these blogs often becomes my way of processing what’s swirling around in my head and...